Wednesday, June 18, 2008

20 Things I Love About Kaitlin


In light of the 20 years that my beautiful girl has been alive, I will write 20 things I love about her.  Here is to a happy birthday, Katie!!!
  1. I love how you are passionate about loving God.  You are the most authentic person in terms of spirituality.  You know where you are, whether good or bad.  You also trust and empower me to lead our relationship to be glorifying to God.
  2. I love your love for peers and younger people.  You breath life into other people and deeply care for those you love!
  3. I love that you are  a "Truth Speaker."  You do not sugar coat things, but tell it how it is.  The Lord uses you as a mouthpiece more than you know!
  4. I love how much you love mexican food!  
  5. I love that you love wearing cute dresses and high heals!  You embody femininity in a beautiful and classy way.
  6. I love your enthusiasm for life.  You shine!
  7. I love how wise you are with finances... even when I'm not! 
  8. I love how you care about standing up for those who will not stand up for themselves.  
  9. I love your curly hair. It's so awesome!
  10. I love that you love cars, football, and steak!  You are every guy's dream! (I should probably try to like those things more! haha)
  11. I love how smart you are in school, and how you strive to always do your best!
  12. I love that you are such a beach bum!
  13. I love your big smile!  You look so beautiful showing your pearly-whites! 
  14. I love our exercise walks and talks!  It's fun AND healthy!
  15. I love that you enjoy HGTV and home decorating shows!  We are going to have an awesome place one day!
  16. I love that you enjoy drug and action movies!
  17. I love your sense of humor and funny voices!
  18. I love your scrapbook!  You are really good at it!
  19. I love how mature and responsible you are, but you still know how to have fun!
  20. I love you and am so excited we are getting married!


Carrie Allen said...


Kaitlin said...

wow you make me look good!!!

thanks baby!!! i love you...can't wait to be with you today!

yazz said...

this made me tear up. im not even kidding.