Monday, June 30, 2008

Week of Crazy/Awesomeness!

(Seth, our Senior Pastor, and Me)

This week was amazing! Vacation Bible School was such a success.  Of my 30 7th and 8th graders this week, 3 of them made the decision to follow Jesus and 9 of them were baptized yesterday!!!

Kaitlin came and helped me most of the week... I think the Jr. High boys are afraid of her because they soaked her with water and she is committed to retaliation. 

Here are some highlights of this week:
  • Fear Factor Challenges.  Jr. High students LOVE this!!! Just mix ingredients together and make them eat it! Have a trash can nearby so they can throw up, because they will!  Oh, and by the way... I own at "Chubby Bunny!" 
  • Newspaper Ninjas.  This is an awesome game we played on Wednesday night at Youth Group!  I found it on an awesome Youth Ministry site.  You have two teams and give them each a newspaper and duct tape.  They must cover one person in each group with newspaper from head to toe, leaving only the eyes so they can see.  Then the two ninjas fight by pulling the newspaper off each other.  Whoever pulls the most paper off in 30 seconds wins!  
  • Lagoon BBQ.  This was a church BBQ on Saturday.  I was so tired by this time, so I wasn't sure how it was going to be.  To my surprise, I had a blast!  It was so nice getting to know people more and hang out with some of our youth leaders.  
  • Youth Sunday.  Yep, yesterday was Youth Sunday!  The morning where church is run completely by the Youth Group.  Music was earthy and raw, creating an amazing worship experience.  They VBS kids performed and showed off their fantastic dance moves (seriously... these kids have skills).  I preached on our series we have been in for the past month, YouTube: Broadcast Yourself.  Then we had baptisms... AMAZING!  Such a powerful way to broadcast the life-transformation of the Gospel of Grace!!! Feedback for the service was very positive for everything.  

It was a week full of blessings, but I am exhausted. Now I rest.  

Monday, June 23, 2008

Jr. High Guys and Girls

Somehow I forgot how crazy Jr. High boys are!  They are insane!!!  The girls are perfect little angels.  However this doesn't seem to last for long... it is only a matter of time before the guys become too cool to talk and the girls are caught up in the latest "drama" of life and love and everything in between. 

VBS had a great start.  I originally had 15 Jr. High students signed up, but we had 27 today and more on the way later in the week!  All I have to say is that the grace of God (and the coffee... which is a grace in and of itself, right?!) is what brought me through it all.

Tomorrow I need a microphone... my voice hurts...

Venti Iced Coffee + 102 Degrees in the Car

Thursday, June 19, 2008


God has been teaching me what it means to be a visionary.

Let me explain.

In my first three weeks of full-time Youth Ministry, I have been bombarded with phone calls, emails, calendars, sermons, and event planning.  I love it!  I get stressed at times, but I love the planning and always having to be on my feet.  However, I have recently been longing for a little more.  A little more Jesus.

No, a lot more Jesus.

Part of the way I have been trying to lead the Youth Group is with casting a vision and leading everyone in it.  This is good.  It has been working.  People are enjoying it.  

Today I realized something, though: It's not enough to just cast a vision and lead others in it.  I must LIVE it!  This is such a simple truth, but if the gravity of its simplicity is grasped and put into practice, there is flourishing!  

Live the vision you are leading others in.

Everyone has some sort of vision.  For Christians, the following is true for us all:

The Vision is Jesus.

Christians ought to live Jesus in every moment.  Live his love.  Live his forgiveness.  His grace.  His truth.  His death to self.  LIVE THE VISION OF JESUS. 

I pray that God teaches me how to lead well by living well.  I pray the same for all followers of Jesus Christ.    

Congrats Jeremy!

My brother, Jeremy, graduated from High School yesterday!
Congrats Class of 2008!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

20 Things I Love About Kaitlin


In light of the 20 years that my beautiful girl has been alive, I will write 20 things I love about her.  Here is to a happy birthday, Katie!!!
  1. I love how you are passionate about loving God.  You are the most authentic person in terms of spirituality.  You know where you are, whether good or bad.  You also trust and empower me to lead our relationship to be glorifying to God.
  2. I love your love for peers and younger people.  You breath life into other people and deeply care for those you love!
  3. I love that you are  a "Truth Speaker."  You do not sugar coat things, but tell it how it is.  The Lord uses you as a mouthpiece more than you know!
  4. I love how much you love mexican food!  
  5. I love that you love wearing cute dresses and high heals!  You embody femininity in a beautiful and classy way.
  6. I love your enthusiasm for life.  You shine!
  7. I love how wise you are with finances... even when I'm not! 
  8. I love how you care about standing up for those who will not stand up for themselves.  
  9. I love your curly hair. It's so awesome!
  10. I love that you love cars, football, and steak!  You are every guy's dream! (I should probably try to like those things more! haha)
  11. I love how smart you are in school, and how you strive to always do your best!
  12. I love that you are such a beach bum!
  13. I love your big smile!  You look so beautiful showing your pearly-whites! 
  14. I love our exercise walks and talks!  It's fun AND healthy!
  15. I love that you enjoy HGTV and home decorating shows!  We are going to have an awesome place one day!
  16. I love that you enjoy drug and action movies!
  17. I love your sense of humor and funny voices!
  18. I love your scrapbook!  You are really good at it!
  19. I love how mature and responsible you are, but you still know how to have fun!
  20. I love you and am so excited we are getting married!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hipsters and Wii

The highlights from yesterday were Gypsy Den with Mark (where he posed as a hipster/indie/relevant-magazine-model/nonchalant twenty-something) and dinner and Wii at the Williams' home.  Here's the documentation:

The ever-so-cool Gypsy Den at The Lab in Costa Mesa.  You know, this place totally has the vibe of being "indie" and the secret hangout spot, but so many people know about it that it it really isn't!  It's so trendy.  Whatever.  Either way it's cool.  
Isn't that the kid who wrote "Hallelujah"?  Didn't he make the cover of Relevant Magazine?  Man, I wish I could relate to him!

Guys vs. Girls...
I demand a rematch!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer is Finally Here!!!

Lead singer of the infamous band, Switchfoot, Jon Foreman, has been progressively releasing his solo project EPs.  Each release has had a correspondence with the season.  Fall was first, then Winter, followed by Spring, and finally Summer.  I am very impressed.  These lyrics are some of my favorite out there.  I highly encourage you to take a listen on his myspace or, better yet, buy all four EPs on iTunes!!!  You will not be disappointed! 

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cake + Bible + Baseball + Dads = Blog Update

Here is the update I have been waiting for so long to do.  I have been so busy for some reason and have had no time.  My weekend is just a taste of the next 3 weeks ahead of me... I need to find time to rest rest rest! 

Kaitlin and I went cake tasting on Friday for our wedding.  It was so much fun.  However I could not look at cake without getting sick afterwards.  Read all about it on Kaitlin's blog

I have found that I am craving the Bible more and more.  I have tons of opportunities to read it, but I am not bathing in it.  This sounds so strange, but books and commentaries have actually been keeping me from the Word.  I have decided to take a one week fast from extra materials in order to focus on the Bible.  This will be more fruitful for myself, my relationships, and my teachings.  

Last night the Youth Group went to the Angels' game!  We had a ton of fun talking, eating, taking pictures, and NOT watching baseball! Here is a photo review:

Most of the group.

Cuz' we're cool like that...

The Girls...

Kaitlin and the gang!

The after-fight!

Happy Fathers' Day!  I have to say that this Fathers' Day I have appreciated my dad so much.  He does so much for my brothers and I, especially through the recent family difficulties.  Please tell your dad "Happy Fathers' Day!"  No matter how much or how little they point you to your Heavenly Father, rest in the fact that the Lord will never leave us, stop loving us, or providing for us.  Yay for Fathers!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

New Blog Look

As you can see (unless you are reading this with Google Reader, which I love), my blog has a new look.  I wanted to do something more creative, incorporating more of my life in the style.  It may change again, but I would love to see what you think.  Have a good day!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Treasures from Youth Group Storage!

Lunch with Carrie!

So I had an oh-so-delicious-Chipotle lunch with my friend Carrie Allen today!  Read her blog!  She is QUEEN BLOGGER! Biola University has two Bible Majors working at Irvine churches!  It was great to get together and talk about how awesome it is to be in full-time ministry positions.  It's funny that Carrie and I weren't meeting to talk about Greek projects or Old Testament Theology papers!  Honestly, this is the strangest sign every, right?!

After lunch and dodging swooping birds, we headed over to her church, Kingsfield Church,  to check out the youth room, since we are in the process of renovating ours at Pacific Church.  It was an awesome building!  My favorite thing was the rooms where the walls doubled as white boards (my heaven!).  The staff was great!  I was not at all surprised to see that they all blog now!  That's probably Carrie's doing.  All in all, it is so much fun connecting with other churches and ministers in the community.  The kingdom of God is alive in many diverse ways!  

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Random Event of Today

While grabbing a bite to eat at Chick-fil-A with a student, we were pleasantly surprised by an amazing event!  Four cop cars came to a screeching halt between the restaurant we were in and In-n-Out (which was right next to us).  Immediately following them were two motorcycle cops, security guards, and a fire truck to block the road.  The cops pulled out their guns on two cars and instructed the "suspects" (six or seven in all) to step out of the car, put their hands on their heads, and walk towards them backwards.  They arrested all of them and searched the cars.  

My favorite thing about it was when the student I was with, Benny, turned to me and said, "This is awesome!  You should find a way to work it into the sermon for tomorrow night!"  

I'm still working on it. 

What I Love About PCI...So Far!

So I have been working at Pacific Church of Irvine for a little over a week now, and I have to say that there are many things I am thankful to the Lord for.  Since I love blog lists, I shall grace you all with one now:
  • The close-knit, welcoming community/body of Christ.  Kaitlin and I have felt so embraced and loved in such a short amount of time.  Everyone from the staff to the students have been a major blessing!
  • The nurture and investment of others who are committed to see my grow into me position.  I cannot stress how amazing this is!  I feel like I am being discipled into my job by very wise people, which I greatly appreciate.  At the same time, I feel trusted as a leader of the youth group.  
  • The snapshot of the world in such a small place.  Irvine is VERY culturally diverse.  Almost every major ethnic culture is represented here, and it is refreshing.  I am forced out of my tunnel vision and thrust into a global mindset.  
  • Gelson's Market!  Have you ever been here?  Seriously, you must go!  It's like a gourmet shopping market.  Coffee shop, salad bar, groceries, and pastries! Google it. 
  • Hanging out with awesome students for a living.  This is rad.  The guys and girls are rad.  Let me tell you... it's rad!
  • Boba.  Everywhere...BOBA!
  • Parents who go out of their way to let me know that they are glad I am here and they are available to help anytime.  This is probably every youth worker's dream.  I am so impressed. 
  • The fact that I have had sushi twice in the last week with people from the church.  So good!
  • Meetings at Strawberry Farms.  Nice. 
I praise God for the many blessings in my life, at my new church home, and in my relationships.  My he receive the glory and not me.  May I rejoice in his goodness and faithfulness, even when it is difficult to be thankful.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Broadcasting Blessing

God's intention has always been to create a community, a group of people, that broadcast who He is to the world.  

We see that deeply woven into the fabric of humanity is the design to be conduits of God's blessing, shining forth His glory to the nations.  

The promise made by God to Abram in Genesis 12:2-3 is the pure intention for humanity.

I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all the peoples of the earth
will be blessed though you.

There are three important things here.  First, the people of God will be a "great nation," not individuals.  The focus is community.  Secondly, God says, "I will bless you."  It always starts with God, and all we can do is receive the blessings he bestows on us.  Finally, this great nation "will be a blessing."  They are blessed to be a blessing!  This is their purpose on earth.

Therefore, our mission is to be a blessing to the world, pouring out into the lives of others the love and grace and forgiveness that God has poured into our lives.  

Exodus 19:3-6 talks about how the people of God are to be a kingdom of priests.  Priests represented God to the people and people to God.  The same is said not only of Israel in the Old Testament, but also about followers of Jesus Christ in 1 Peter 2:9.  We, as Christians, are "...a chosen race, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that we may declare the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light" (1 Peter 2:9).

The Christian mission flows out of the God-given identity as representatives and broadcasters of who He is and what He has done!  May we live our of our identity as found in Him and be faithful to the mission to shine forth the blessings of God. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Simple Church.

Our church staff and elders started reading a new book together.  It's called Simple Church by Thom S. Rainer and Eric Geiger.  So far (and I'm only a couple pages in), they are talking about the revolution of simplicity in our culture, and how the healthiest churches in America are not busy, but simple.  This seems like a fascinating book and I am excited to dive into it more deeply and also engage in the exercises our Senior Pastor is leading us in to move our church in a more simple direction.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

YouTube: Broadcast Yourself

Well, since I started my full-time youth ministry job, I will be blogging on on that topic more.  Here is my first Youth Ministry post!  

Tomorrow we start a four-week sermon series, YouTube: Broadcast Yourself.  It is a chance for me to "broadcast" my story and who I am to the students as their new youth leader.  I am looking forward to the students doing the same, as I teach on things like testimony and our identity in Christ.  Our broadcast as Christians is the Gospel contextualized in each individual story.  

We will explore how Israel broadcasted God in their lives, how Paul broadcasts the Gospel, and what Ephesians has to say about our identity in Christ.  We will then explore "corporate broadcasting" in worship and communion.  To finish it off, we have Youth Sunday, where we will be able to broadcast individual stories of God's love, faithfulness, and salvation to the congregation!

So now I ask you the question, "How are you broadcasting Christ in your life?"

Monday, June 2, 2008

Rob & Robin's Wedding

Yesterday (Sunday, June 1, 2008), Kaitlin and I were blessed to celebrate the marriage of Robin Lauterjung and Rob Schannep.  It was a beautiful wedding located at the Fullerton Arboretum.  Everything from and outdoor chandelier to a scrumptious candy table made the night perfect.  They are a beautiful couple who love the Lord Jesus in everyday life.  Together they run a ministry called Broken Hearts (see my link on my list of websites on the right) to hurting souls in Hollywood.  Their life and their love models the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Newlyweds!

Kaitlin and Me

Our Friend Whitney Gettin' Down!

Thank you, Lord, for the love that was shared by Robin and Rob at their wedding.  I pray that you bless them and guide them on their journey.  May they magnify you in all that they do!