Tuesday, July 1, 2008

No Limits

I was driving around and saw this sign.  I stopped and chuckled to myself because it was posted in a church parking lot.  It seemed ironic to me that the gate to a church would have limits, times, and days that one could enter.  I know that this is for parking purposes only and has nothing to do with salvation, but I can't help but think of that.

In John 10:9, Jesus says, "I am the door [or gate].  If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture."  He is always available!  There are no time constraints or "hours of operation" for Jesus.  He is always there, ready for those he loves to enter into eternal life!

Another thought that ran through my head was a point I preached on last Sunday:  "There is no division between the secular and the sacred!"  We have bought into the notion that Church is what we do on Sunday mornings and small groups, and the rest of the week is our "life."  Not at all!!!  It is all sacred!  God is not so small that we limit Him to a building or place or time!  We are called to be followers of Jesus Christ (continuously), not merely spectators a couple hours a week.  

I pray that we will be people who start to see God in the ordinary.  That we would live out of our identity in Jesus Christ all the time.  I pray that we would start seeing life through the eyes of God, and that we may approach Him ANY TIME... for He has NO LIMITS!

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