- I turned in my Senior Petition. I only have (2) classes in the Fall where I actually have to come to class. The other class is an independent study course with a professor of mine. Granted, I am taking (12) units this summer, but come on, how hard can online GE at community college be?
- I spoke at a Parent Panel for Biola Days on Friday. I talked about my experience of Biola and what it has been like to transition into college life, be involved on campus, and maintain academic rigor. Being forced to reflect on all of this has made me realize that the end is almost here! Sure, I still have a semester left, but I will only be on campus one night a week and I will be living at home. So in a sense, this is my last REAL semester at Biola.
- We had RA commissioning lat night. This is a time where the current RA's pass on the torch of leadership to next year's RA's. I was reminded of how quickly a year has gone by and how close we are to being done this year. I cannot even fathom that in a year from now, I will have been married for over 3 months! CRAZY!!!
All in all, the Lord is working in my life by allowing me to create space for reflection and anticipation. It's beautiful that once this space is created, there is a natural inclination towards the Lord: His faithfulness of the past, and a sense of trust in Him for the future.