Monday, September 22, 2008

Hello Autumn!

Today is the first day of Autumn, and I am more than thrilled!  Kaitlin has been gracious enough t listen to all my "Fall" and "Autumn" talk and obsession.  It really is my favorite season, and I am going to write about the great things that make it what it is!

In an attempt to create a holistic fall experience, here are the things you should include in your life:

Music Albums
  1. Fall (Jon Foreman)- This is amazing.  I have posted on his other albums before, but this was the first in the series.  It has a mellow feel and deep lyrics.  
  2. Live in Paris (Diana Krall)- This is by far my absolute favorite fall album.  Jazzy and fun!  I first heard it my senior year of high school and fell in love with Diana's liquid-like voice.  The best song on this live album is by far A Case of You. Listen to it! Also check out Love Scenes, another album by Diana.  
  3. O (Damien Rice)-  A great artsy album!  This is a fall classic in my book.  Damien and his back up singer bring beautiful melodies to the world! 
  4. Poses (Rufus Wainwright)- It just has a great euro-folk vibe that is perfect for this tie of year.
  1. Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks!  The ultimate fall drink- nothing can compare to this!  I just can't get enough.  You know that fall is on its way when Starbucks releases this awesome beverage!
  2. Good Earth Tea-  Both sweet and spicy.  So good! 
  3. Chai Tea Latte (or add espresso for a Chai Bomb)-  Another classic.  You can't help but feeling close to others you drink it with.
  1. Pumpkin ANYTHING!  Bread, loaf, cookies, pie, name it!
  2. Soup/Stew- so fall-like and cozy.  Makes you feel like home! 
  3. Pies and apple crisps!
  1. Crunching leaves
  2. Driving in the rain
  3. Reading poetry
  4. Being creative
  5. Deep conversations
  6. Cooking
  7. Museum visits 
  8. Apple Picking
Please add your fall excitement and experiences on the comments! 

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