Friday, August 8, 2008

Turn It OFF!!!

I have been learning the difficult art of turning off my cell phone or leaving it in the car when spending time with people.  I have noticed (thanks to Kaitlin) that I am always distracted and thinking about work.  So, in order to maintain my sanity and a healthy relationship with those around me, I have committed to leaving it in the car.  And, come on, the world is NOT going to stop revolving if I don't answer a text message immediately!  In fact, this may help me remember the heart of the Sabbath (which I taught on Wednesday night: God is God, I am not, and I have been set free by the Cross of Christ).  It is easy to believe that we are gods when we think that everyone needs us immediately.  So, I'm sorry if my text responses are delayed and I miss your call.  It is important to me, but I don't want a divided heart.  I'm sure you understand.

1 comment:

Carrie Allen said...

and eventually, people won't EXPECT for you to answer right gotta train them that way...or just get rid of texting all together like me ;)