Friday, August 28, 2009

Thanks, God

So the other day, I was praying and focusing on a heart of thanksgiving (even though it's August... crazy, right!?). A thought came into my mind as I was offering my thanks to the Lord: God, thank you for making me who I am, not who I want to be!

I often find myself praying that I would not struggle with certain sins, that I would have been created another way, or that I could change my flaws. I did have an epiphany in my moment of prayer, though. I really am thankful that God created me just the way I am. If I were created just the way I want to be, I would never have the opportunities to trust God's sovereignty.

God cannot tempt anyone with evil, I know that. However, I believe that it may be a gracious act of God NOT to heal, NOT to restore, NOT to take away our sins, brokenness, and maladies. In our brokenness and weakness, I believe that God spiritually forms us. My inept causes me to trust God, not myself. My inability leads me to the cross. He may never fully restore this side of eternity, but my faith and perseverance may greatly increase because of his gracious no to our prayers.

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