Sunday, February 8, 2009

hello blog that i once loved so much!

so i have not updated for a while.  kaitlin and i are trying to figure out our life schedules.  it is working out pretty, though it seems a lot tougher for her then for me.  she goes to school twice a week and works the other three days. on top of that, she helps me in youth group and leads a girls discipleship groups after a 7 hour school day.  yeah, she's awesome! i love her so much!!!  

what else?... well, we seemed to be settled into our condo quite nicely.  it is the perfect size to feel cozy and have room to stretch.  oh ya!...our bed arrived about a week ago.  we were each used to sleeping in a full before we were married. then the honeymoon tricked us with king size beds the whole time.  i say tricked because when we got home, we had to share a full! CRAZY!!! kaitlin's parents were awesome enough to buy us a bed for our wedding gift.  we ended up with a king size sleep number bed!! *heaven* 

i love cooking! i do it all the time. tonight it homemade enchiladas! mmmmmm!  i like making my own recipes, or variation on ones i read in cookbooks.

so as of right now, my beautiful wife and i are sipping tea while she works on her homework and i catch up on blogging and facebook.  i'm still trying to maintain a loose connectedness to social networking.  i find myself not obsessed, but not completely removed.  it seems appropriate. 

oh ya... GOD IS AWESOME!  more on that later. 


blythe said...

you guys are too cute.

enjoy newlywedded-ness!! soak it upppp :]

yazz said...

you guys are the cutest couple in the world. and the capitcha for this comment is squalami. which i think is funny.

josh said...

squalami. HA!!

yazz said...

isn't that funny!!! hahahah now it is ocklin? what is up with these funny capitchas!